Ch. Cilloette Secret Desire
Desi is pictured above at 13 months old taking BOB over a special for her 3rd major
at Delaware Water Gap KC under judge Randy Garen.
Desi winning her second major under judge Nancy Simmons.
Desi at 10 months old winning WB and BW at Schooley's Mt. KC under judge Ron Rella.
Desi at 10 months, winning WB, BW and BOS at Sussex Hills under judge Steve Reagan.
Desi is pictured winning her first major at 9 months old from the puppy class at
Wachusett KC under judge James Fehring.
Desi is pictured taking first place in a class of 3, in the 9 to 12 month Puppy Class at
Patriot Papillon Club under Canadian judge Miss Mike Macbeth.
Desi is pictured at 7 months taking Best Puppy. She went on to win a Puppy Group 3.
Desi at 8 weeks.